Mark your calendars for this year’s six free fishing days.
• Feb. 15-16 (Presidents’ Day Weekend)
• June 28-29
• Sept. 27 (National Hunting and Fishing Day)
The Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS) will take a birding field trip Saturday, March 15 - rain date of March 22. DOAS Board Director Chris DeCesare will lead interested road-trippers to …
Avian Influenza is a highly contagious poultry virus with the potential to cause large financial losses.
There have been nine confirmed cases in New York in the last month.
Here are a few …
“Climate change is the single greatest threat to North American birds. Solutions are plentiful, but to protect more than 300 species at risk, we must act now.” —National Audubon …
Scientific Name: Perca flavescens
Nicknames: Perch, Common perch
Current State Record : 3 lbs. 8 oz., Lake Erie, Erie County, April 28, 1982
Identification: Yellow body with six to …
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