Weather Words
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Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - Showers will continue today and tomorrow, with cooler temperatures expected this weekend, Frank says. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - A foggy morning will end in a dry day before rain returns on Wednesday, Frank says! more

Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - We got 3 inches of snow overnight, Frank reports; and we can expect continued rain and snow showers through Saturday. Sunday will warm into the 40s, and there will be a return to warm … more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - Winter is not over, and Frank is NOT playing an April Fool's Day prank; we can expect snow on Wednesday evening. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - What is normal? Frank asks; we have exceeded average precipitation again this month, similar to last year and we can expect to see more rain on Saturday, March 30. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - Though we started with below-average temperatures on Monday, March 25, we can expect a warm up this afternoon and throughout the week, Frank says. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - Lake-effect snow will continue this morning, Frank says; and turn to rain - then back to snow tomorrow. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - We have returned to normal temperatures for this time of the year, Frank says; and spring starts tomorrow. We can expect snow showers and snow through Wednesday. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - We can expect temperatures to return to normal (colder) this upcoming week, Frank says; winter is not over yet. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night, for Daylight Savings Time, Frank says; and expect rainy conditions this weekend, with some possible minor flooding. more

Video: Weather Words with Frank Ward

WALTON - We are not expected to break a temperature record today, Franks says, but we will have a nice warm up! Rain is in the forecast for Tuesday, March 5. more
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