160 results total, viewing 1 - 12

Neighbor Helping Neighbor

I want to take a moment to recognize and express heartfelt gratitude to The First Congregational Church of Walton and April Epps in particular for their incredible kindness and generosity in running … more

Letter to the Editor: Town is taxing authority, not village

In an online article published on 1/22/25 you question the Walton Town Board interest in the property, known as Sheffield Estates, as it is within the village of Walton. The answer is simple. The … more

Letter to the Editor: Time for county to look at another option

There should be no doubt that running a county is exhausting work. It requires all the time and patience a Board of Supervisors can give. Looking at some of the questionable choices the Delaware … more

Letter to the Editor: Just Wow

Wow. I’m amazed how Trump has fooled his supporters. He now wants to get rid of the debt limit so he can print as much money as he likes, and spend a lot of it on vengeance, which does nothing … more

Letter to the Editor: To those who voted for Trump ...

Lord Hear My Prayer: May those who voted for Trump personally experience the effect of their actions. They who expect joy, prosperity and freedom ought to feel blessed by my prayer. … more

Letter to the Editor: A concern about ballot drop box removal

Several years ago the Board of Elections in Delaware County was moved from its location on Gallant Ave., several blocks closer to the center of the village of Delhi. Its previous location was between … more

Letter to the Editor: Raises for Delaware County Department Heads

Regarding the article in the recent weekly Reporter involving raises again being considered for Delaware County management personnel, it would be wise for county representatives to remember Wayne … more

Letter to the Editor: Save the Nation

I appreciate letter writer Willard Dan’s service to his country, but his diatribe condemning president Trump’s capabilities is an outrage. During Trump’s term in office he proved … more

Letter to the Editor: Reckless drivers put children at risk

I’d like to draw our community’s attention to a growing issue in Walton regarding the traffic on Stockton Avenue. On Oct. 9, there was an evening accident in which one vehicle failed to … more

Letter to the Editor: The people lose: NYC to halt land buys in DelCo

There, I’ve corrected the headline of the front page article of the 10/24/24 issue of The Reporter. The article was dictated [“announced”] by Jeff Baker, a lawyer. A lawyer, … more

Letter to the Editor: Decision Time

Yes, it is time to vote for president and this is a very contentious time. We have heard it all during this disparaging season from the candidates and their supporters to include: encouraging plans … more

Op Ed: Decisions in the dark

The following letter was submitted to the board of supervisors on Oct. 23: As we are all aware of now, the ballot box removal has caused significant controversy, but what I want to discuss is not … more
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