103 results total, viewing 1 - 12

Letter to the Editor: County Chaos: Concerns Over Leadership and Lost Opportunities

I’m writing in support of Matthew Krzyston’s excellent letter regarding our county board.   We’ve attended a number of their meetings and are astounded at how these people fail … more

Letter to the Editor: Town is taxing authority, not village

In an online article published on 1/22/25 you question the Walton Town Board interest in the property, known as Sheffield Estates, as it is within the village of Walton. The answer is simple. The … more

Letter to the Editor: Look for what’s hidden in new legislation

This Congress will propose a lot of new legislation quickly. It is vital to slow down the process. Voters deserve a chance to learn what’s behind it and get an opportunity to share and weigh-in … more

Letter to the Editor: Time for county to look at another option

There should be no doubt that running a county is exhausting work. It requires all the time and patience a Board of Supervisors can give. Looking at some of the questionable choices the Delaware … more

Letter to the Editor: Decker v. DelCo

Last week’s appearance in Binghamton before Magistrate Judge Lovric must not have gone well for the defendants. Only two days later, the Delaware County Board of Supervisors removed the upper … more

Letter to the Editor: Delhi Family Grateful for Unwavering Support

From my time in the military to my time as a New York State Trooper I have lived in many places and seen many things. In those places many folks had no idea who lived next door to them or had any … more

Letter to the Editor: Stop the Housing Hype: NYC Land Buys Aren’t the Problem

Re: “Full stop: DelCo opposes any, all land acquisition” [Reporter 12/26/24], and “DelCo housing is predominantly substandard, study finds” [Reporter 1/2/25]: First, … more

Letter to the Editor: Breaking down sales tax use

If the issue with the sales tax revenue is with the amount necessary for the solid waste facility, perhaps the wording of the resolution should put everyone’s’ mind to rest. For … more

Letter to the Editor: Embrace Differences

In five minutes it will be time to join a meeting that makes me happy in a room I have attended for 2 years. I feel comfortable there. There are others like me. There are people I can identify with. … more

Letter to the Editor: DA Smith Strives to Resolve the Drug Problem

The District Attorney (DA) has an important role in the county. He is the chief law enforcement official representing the government in criminal cases within the county, helping to maintain public … more

Letter to the Editor: To those who voted for Trump ...

Lord Hear My Prayer: May those who voted for Trump personally experience the effect of their actions. They who expect joy, prosperity and freedom ought to feel blessed by my prayer. … more

Letter to the Editor: Drug Court Needs Reform, Not Blame

District Attorney Shawn Smith’s public statement about ceasing participation in Drug “Treatment” Court, appeared to place blame on marginalized community members. This is … more
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