100 results total, viewing 25 - 36

Letter to the Editor: UDC requests Lordville bridge repair postponement

Dear Supervisor Vernold and Town Council Members, The Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) supports the position of the Hancock Town Board to postpone closing County Bridge #163 on Lordville Road … more

Letter to Editor: Preaching kindness by attacking character?

Christina Hunt-Wood’s letter to the editor in the June 6 edition of The Reporter levels several insulting and inflaming allegations about me personally as well as to the profession I have dedicated my entire adult life to.  It is very disappointing but not surprising more

Letter to the Editor: Undesirable is subjective

I’ve been reading with interest the controversy about “pot shops” in Walton. As this industry evolves, there is a lot of misinformation out there. One thing that should be known is … more

Letter to the Editor: Fostering fear and suspicion rooted in racist policing

I had the great honor of speaking to community members at Catskills Unity’s Ice Cream Social in Delhi. The event, held on the Courthouse Square, brought together about 75 attendees who enjoyed … more

Letter to the Editor: Education matters at the polls

In the late 60s and early 70s women across this country (and the world) rose up to crush the “glass ceiling,” get Title 9 equality in sports, secure reproductive rights, VOTE, and … more

Letter to the Editor: Delaware Academy Tennis Demonstrates Class and Dignity

The end of a sport season is always sad when it doesn’t end in a championship! It’s even more frustrating when something happens that is of a questionable manner or worse! This happened … more

Letter to the Editor: Terrorists vs. Immigrants

In response to May Miller’s letter to the editor published May 8: Yes, people from China are entering the United States in great numbers through the Mexican border. They are coming to this … more

Letter to the Editor: Kudos to Margaretville Central School

I don’t have children and don’t live in Margaretville. So why did I go to the Margaretville Central School’s April 24 community presentation of an update on the development of their … more

Letter to the Editor: Does Walton need cannabis development?

The May 9th edition of The Reporter reveals the targeting of our county for cannabis development. What a shame that our local politicos seem to stack the deck trying to promote it. All one needs to … more

Letter to the Editor: Terrorists among us

Hmmm. When I read Carla Nordstrom’s letter in the April 25 edition chiding us for not welcoming the illegals swarming across our borders, I couldn’t help but wonder: Does she not know the … more

Letter to the Editor: Franklin ‘Reactionary’ Rental Regs Rebuttal

At its last meeting, Delaware County Planning Board recommend that members of the Franklin Town Planning Board further consider their draft of regulations on short-term rentals.   However … more

Letter to the Editor: Bovina CPR device is not best practice

I was overwhelmed reading about the incredible generosity of the residents of Bovina who raised $22,000 to purchase a mechanical CPR compression device ( The Reporter 4/18/24). I do wish, however, … more
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