

Hello Friends. You can tell autumn is close at hand by the lovely goldenrod and purple asters. What a gorgeous combination as we travel the highways and byways of Delaware County. I hope you take notice of them. It sure has been a busy beginning to September. School is back in session and despite the complaints from children (and teachers) I think they are all happy to be back with their friends.

The Banned Book Club had a wonderful meeting last Wednesday and are currently reading ‘The Thursday Murder Club’ by Richard Osman. It’s a delightful “whodunnit,” a NY Times best seller; if you are interested in joining in the conversation we will discuss it Oct. 2 at the Colchester Community United Methodist Church (CCUMC) at 6:30 p.m. You are cordially invited to join us.

For poetry lovers, I can recommend a former “local” writer whom I have recently met through email. His name is Lloyd Barnhart from the Beaverkill area who is a fan of The Reporter and our new column. His book, ‘Rambling On: A Patchwork of Homespun Poems,’ is a collection of memories and thoughts about living in our little corner of the world. I highly recommend it for its pure homespun feel and ease of reading.

The Colchester Historical Society will host “Creating Games and Crafts from the Past” Saturday, Sept. 21, from 1-4 p.m. The event is being offered due to a 2024 Delaware County Arts Grant sponsored by the Roxbury Arts Group. Participation is free and is open to all who register prior to the date and with space available (10 participants per activity per session). There will be 10 game or craft creations available to choose from. Each game or craft creation will be repeated three times (45 minute sessions) during the time period so participants can do three activities throughout the day. The activities include candle dipping, making potpourri sachets, creating colonial whirligigs, designing postcard design, outdoor checkerboards with individually designed checkers, mirror painting, silhouette portraits, creating sock dolls, kaleidoscope creations, and calligraphy drawing. Between the activities Story Laurie will create and entertain participants with songs and stories. A photo opportunity will be available for participants and their families. Entertainment will also be provided by local bluegrass musicians during the event. The Colchester Lions club will be selling hot dogs and drinks. Children participating will be treated to a free ice cream treat at the end of the day’s program. Register for up to three activities: call 607-363-2596, Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Downsville students will be able to register Sept. 11 from 5-6:30 at the school’s welcome back event. This is a community event that shouldn’t be missed. Sounds like fun.

The 10th annual basket social sponsored by the Colchester Senior Citizens will be held Friday, Sept. 27, at 4 p.m. at the Downsville Fire House. Drawing will begin at 6:30. It’s always a good time and helps our seniors, too. Might be a good way to begin holiday shopping. 

It is again with sadness that we report the passing of Dude Thomas Bartolillo, son of Roxanne Mills Bartolillo, who died Sept. 3. Condolences to his family and friends. He loved his family, animals, gardening and the Green Bay Packers. He will be missed by all who knew him.

The final Music in the Park for 2024 will be Friday, Sept. 13 between 5-8 p.m. at the Covered Bridge Park. Mary Francis and Friends will provide the evening entertainment. There will be no rain date for this event. All are welcome and it is free to the public so come down and join the fun.

The Colchester Community Chess Club is scheduled to begin again Sept. 19 at 5:30 p.m. at the Colchester Community Church. All ages and abilities are welcome, whether you want to learn or are a seasoned player. Bring your chess set if you have one or just come to learn and/or have a quiet evening with other chess lovers.

Mark your calendars for the 4th annual trunk or treat, haunted house, costume contest, chicken barbecue and basket raffle at Community Field in Corbett on Oct. 12 between 4-9 p.m. Always fun!

Rummage sale sponsored but the CCUMC will be held Oct. 25-26. Set-up Thursday, Oct. 24 at the Downsville Firehall. Contact Debbie Odell to donate or for pickup.

According to Stacey Mattson, the 16th annual Downsville “Parade of Lights” will be Saturday, Dec. 14. Line up at the Downsville school dropoff area at 4:30 p.m.; parade starts promptly at 5:30. To enter a float or make a monetary contribution towards float prizes, call/text Stacey Mattson at 607-353-9014 or Bill Reichert at 607-363-7911. Come out and celebrate the holiday season. Following the parade, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be at the firehall to meet the children. Mark your calendar and get your elves working on those floats.

It’s hard not to reflect on the 9/11 tragedy this week, a day that should  be remembered by all. A day when America was attacked for the first time on its homeland, a day when so many died and so many gave their lives to protect and serve. We continue to pray for the families who still mourn and for the firefighters and first responders who continue to suffer the consequences of their bravery that day. Let us remember that “togetherness” we felt that day and days afterwards so that we can recommit to being “one nation” again. Enjoy the beautiful Autumn weather. Peace ~