DelCo Chamber to host Women in Business conference Oct. 25


Supporting women in the workplace by building courage and confidence is the goal of a half-day conference hosted by the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce Friday, Oct. 25.

“EmpowHER: Leading from the Head and Heart” will bring together dozens of women and men to discover personal leadership characteristics, react more confidently to bodily messages, and commit to actionable and empowering behaviors in their lives and careers.

The program will be held at the Margaretville Telephone Company Community Room on Academy Street in Margaretville, starting with registration at 9:30 a.m.  Following welcoming remarks Chief Financial Officer of CitiHope Relief and Development Jessica Moore, a Delaware County based humanitarian non-profit organization collaborating with partners around the world, will speak about her leadership experiences. 

John Mancuso, owner/founder of Authentic Communication Matters, will then guide participants through small and large group discussions, personal reflections, and demonstrations of techniques.

The fee to participate is $25 and includes program materials, mid-morning snacks, and lunch.

EmpowHER: Leading from the Head and Heart is made possible through a grant by The Women Fund at the Community Foundation of South Central New York. 

Registration and additional information is available under the Events and Programs tab at