Particpate in the first ever Fish and Wildlife Day Saturday, Sept. 28.
Fish and Wildlife Day is a Love Our New York Lands Stewardship Day event. DEC, in partnership with State Parks and Parks & Trails New York (PTNY), will host stewardship and educational events across the state to celebrate wildlife conservation and protect New York wildlife. Help plant native species and remove invasive plants to foster healthy wildlife habitat at a nearby State Park, learn to build and repair bird houses that will benefit species at a Wildlife Management Area, or pair your stewardship efforts with a birding or nature walk that highlights the importance of wildlife conservation.
Gather your friends and family and join your community to help preserve and protect New York lands.
Participant registration for Fish and Wildlife Day is open. Find event locations and register online at Parks & Trails New York. A limited number of volunteer shirts will be available, first come, first serve, at events offering service projects.
Check out past Love Our New York Lands Stewardship Days