It is Tree Time: Arbor Day and more


April includes Arbor Day, Friday, April 26, a time to appreciate and plant trees. Trees are a vital part of our environment, and responsibly managing our forests and planting trees are important to “Living the Green Life.” Some DEC and state initiatives to promote tree planting and forest regeneration include:

Governor Hochul’s initiative to plant 25 million trees by 2033. Learn about how DEC is supporting this effort.

DEC’s annual spring seedling sale, which is now open to the public and runs until May 10. Each year, the nursery offers low-cost, New York-grown tree and shrub species for sale to encourage plantings that help conserve New York’s natural resources and foster the next generation of forests. Be sure to check on the availability of certain species as many have already sold out!

DEC’s annual Trees for Tribs program is a statewide program that has been working to reforest New York’s tributaries—small creeks and streams that flow into larger rivers and lakes—by planting trees and shrubs along these waterways. The program’s goal is to create or improve riparian (streamside) buffers that decrease erosion, reduce flooding damage, improve wildlife, and stream habitat, and protect water quality.

You can help our state’s tree population to grow and prosper. DEC provides information on how to properly plant a tree with helpful tips:

• Make sure you plant on your own land and that planting will not interfere with utilities. • • Visit for more information.

• Prepare ahead of time and get all necessary tools, such as gloves, shovel, water and more ready before you start digging.

• Know the difference in handling bare root versus potted seedlings.

• Learn how to properly plant a tree—not too deep and not too shallow.

• Practice general maintenance, water, and mowing appropriately.

• Recognize invasive species and forest health concerns.

The DEC website includes a wide-range of information about trees, sample topics include: the Colonel William F. Fox Memorial Saratoga Tree Nursery, How to Plant and Care for a Tree, and Ways to Celebrate Arbor Day.

For more information of how to be a friend of the environment, click here.