Wildlife photography tips


Remember these tips when photographing wildlife:

• Zoom in using your camera lens to avoid disturbing wildlife

• Take photos from different angles to create an image.

• Don’t be afraid to photograph in all weather

• Get down to the same level as your subject.

• Be patient, still and quiet. Wait for the right moment.

• Don’t center your subject - use the ‘thirds’ rule.

• Remember to look up to find wildlife

• Frame your image with foreground.

• Reflections can create a calming/relaxing feel to an image.

• Always look to see where the light is, try not to shoot directly into the sun.

• Use fill flash to get rid of shadows.

• Take horizontal and vertical images.

• Wildlife Centers and parks are great places to find wildlife.

• Put up bird feeders/houses near your home to capture closer bird images.

Do you have a favorite wildlife photograph to send us? It might be featured on our Watchable Wildlife webpage or in an issue of Conservationist. Photos can be emailed to watchable@dec.ny.gov or mailed to DEC, Bureau of Public Outreach, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4500. Be sure to follow the guidelines for photos, which can be found in the Conservationist magazine’s contributors’ guide.