Wildlife Watching Tips


Respect Nature 

When looking for wildlife:

• Don’t feed the wildlife. Feeding can create dependence on humans and increase disease in wildlife.

• Leave wild baby animals where you find them. All migratory birds are protected by state and federal law. Do not collect birds, eggs, or feathers.

• Keep quiet, move slowly and be patient. This will increase your chances of seeing wildlife.

• View wildlife from a distance using binoculars or a spotting scope to observe the natural behavior of animals.

• It’s safer for wildlife - especially vulnerable populations like young animals, breeding and nesting birds, and wintering raptors.

• It’s safer for you - animals may attack if they perceive you pose a threat to them or their young.

• Avoid flushing or disturbing wildlife when watching or photographing them, and NEVER purposely chase wildlife!

• Flushing wildlife will lead to stress, deplete stored energy, and can cause death or decreased reproduction.

Protect Habitat

• Stay on existing roads, trails, or pathways to avoid trampling vegetation.

• Check DEC’s NY Nature Explorer - an online tool for learning about plants and habitats.

• Visit wildlife refuges and other public natural areas.

• Leave the area as you found it.

• Know and observe the laws, rules, and regulations governing the area you are visiting.

• Respect private property. Never enter private property without permission. Trespassing is illegal.

• Park in designated parking areas or on the road shoulder completely out of travel lanes.

• Use caution when leaving or entering your vehicle and use caution when crossing roads.

• Group actions have magnified effects.

• Ensure that all members of the group know and follow the above guidelines.

• Monitor the behavior of group members and ensure they act responsibly.

Be considerate of others who may also be hiking or trying to see wildlife. Report Violators - Purposely disturbing, flushing, or chasing wildlife is harassment and is ILLEGAL. If you witness such activity, report it to the DEC Dispatch (1-877-457-5680).