2024 Knak Engineering Memorial and Ehlermann-Fedderke Descendants Foundation Scholarships awarded


Scholarship winners for the James L. Knak Engineering Memorial Scholarship and the Ehlermann-Fedderke Foundation Scholarship have been named. The awards are given from a trust set up by Gheri Steifel in memory of her brother James Knak.

Students majoring in engineering are awarded The James L. Knak Engineering Memorial Scholarship.  Congratulations and well wishes go to the following recipients of The James L. Knak Memorial Scholarship: Lane Ackerly (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), Ryder Albano (University at Buffalo), Joshua Baxter (Dartmouth College), Noah Dungan (Delaware Academy to University at Buffalo), Rachel Schnabel (Cornell University), and Allene Vesterfelt (Walton to Brigham Young University). 

Students pursuing degrees in fields other than engineering are awarded The Ehlermann-Fedderke Descendants Foundation Scholarship. This year, the following students were awarded a total of $129,500 toward their college education. 

Congratulations and well wishes go to the following recipients of the Ehlermann-Fedderke Descendants Foundation Scholarship: Rachel Blocker (Northeast College of Health Science), Brandon Bodo (SUNY Oneonta), Elaina Bull (Downsville to SUNY Oneonta), Isabella Cecce (Sienna College), Cooper Cohen (Delaware Academy to Hartwick), Jessica Coleman (SUNY Oneonta), Magdalena Demeo-Meres (University of Vermont), Alethea Ferrara (Delaware Academy to Hartwick College), Zachary Finch (St. Elizabeth’s School of Nursing), Isabella Francisco (Roscoe to SUNY Sullivan), Ashley Gillespie (SUNY Empire State University), Connor Joedicke (D’Youville University), Katelynn Ostrander (LeMoyne College), Morgan Pierce (Upstate Medical University), Grace Rhinehart (Messiah University), Joel Rhinehart (LECOM), Luke Schnabel (University of Miami), Rachel Trimbell (University of Wyoming), Kayleigh Verspoor (Houghton University), Victoria Verspoor (Delaware Academy to Virginia Wesleyan University), Peyton Wikoff (Charlotte Valley to Hartwick College), and Jessica Zuill (Charlotte Valley to Quinnipiac University). 

James L. Knak graduated from Charlotte Valley Central School in 1952, attended the University of Cincinnati, and went on to form his own engineering company. Geraldine, his sister, desired to honor him after he passed by setting up scholarships to support graduates of schools in Delaware County as they work to achieve their American Dream.