Colchester receives $91K Smart Growth grant


The town of Colchester received one of 12 awards made in the Catskill Park Smart Growth Grant Program administered through New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The funding will be used to update Colchester’s 2003 Comprehensive Plan. 

Smart Growth is an approach to community planning and development which promotes land use in a way that creates livable, sustainable, and equitable communities. Smart Growth can provide the right balance between development and preservation. Using planning principles that can connect visitors to nature by improving and expanding recreational opportunities, address hamlet infrastructure, energy, and affordable housing needs, improve accessibility and safety issues throughout Colchester. 

The project will rely on Colchester residents working with the town’s Smart Growth committee to carefully vision Colchester 20 years from now and define goals necessary to achieve that vision. 

More information on the Colchester Comprehensive Plan update can be found at