DCHA 2023 Awards of Merit presented


At the 2023 annual meeting of the Delaware County Historical Association (DCHA) held Sunday, Nov. 5, presentations of DCHA’s annual Awards of Merit were made to groups and individuals who have volunteered their time and skills to preserve and/or present the history of Delaware County.

The following individuals and groups were recognized for their achievements:

Ouleout Valley Cemetery, Franklin, for rehabilitation of the historic 1884 J. W. Fiske Fountain. Volunteers removed and then rebuilt the pool surrounding the fountain. The fountain itself was disassembled and sent to Alabama to be restored. It has been reassembled including Venus at the top. 

Jillian Fishner of Delhi is the year’s youngest recipient. She is a ninth grade student at Delaware Academy and a member of Delhi Girl Scout Troop 60301. Fishner spearheaded efforts to preserve and clean an old burial ground on High Street in Delhi and made a new sign for the cemetery.

Robbie-Jean Rice of Walton recently organized a quilt show in Walton’s United Presbyterian Church featuring many examples of this important, traditional rural craft. She also writes history articles for the church’s monthly newsletter and is president of the William B. Ogden Free Library – a cultural and historic hub in Walton.

Dale & Tina Utter, Delaware County cemeteries

Members of Sidney Historical Association, contributors to The Reporter and years of dedication to the preservation and conservation of gravestones and cemeteries in Delaware County and surrounding counties, particularly neglected cemeteries. They are currently working on a long-term project in Sidney’s Pioneer Cemetery.

DCHA is proud to honor these people and organizations who have contributed to the preservation and understanding of Delaware County’s fascinating history.