Fleischmanns synagogue showcases Sukkot


FLEISCHMANNS - Residents and visitors in Fleischmanns were treated to a showcase of tradition as a sukkah was erected outside the local synagogue, Congregation B’nai Israel on Wagner Avenue, in celebration of the Jewish festival, Sukkot.

Sukkot is a week-long holiday beginning Sept. 29 that commemorates the 40 years of Israelites (Jews) wandering in the desert after their exodus from Egypt. During this festival, it’s customary to build a sukkah – a temporary hut – and spend time in it, as a reminder of the temporary dwellings used by the Israelites.

Members of the synagogue worked collaboratively to build the sukkah, ensuring it met traditional requirements. It was built incorporating palm branches, myrtle and willow and etrog.

“We invite members of the community to stop by and visit,” said congregation member Marilyn Ringel.

Sukkot is celebrated through Oct. 5.