Immanuel Lutheran Church offers $500 Scholarships

Church supports local Christian education efforts


Immanuel Lutheran Church in Delhi is pleased to offer its first-ever round of scholarships to aid with Christian education in the greater Delhi area. According to Immanuel Lutheran Church Pastor Robert Wilson, “Christian education is even more important today to support families in developing a Christian worldview and in helping their children learn to navigate our society in a faith-filled way. It is our hope that this scholarship will enable families to carry out this God-given task.” 

The scholarship is intended for after-school programming, homeschool curriculum, conference fees, tuition, or other similar purposes. Elizabeth Lamont, chair of the scholarship committee, said that the committee is excited to see what ideas applicants will have for using the money.

The committee will award two $500 scholarships in May. They decided to offer the scholarship early in the year to make it available for summer activities. 

Anyone interested in applying for this scholarship is encouraged to write a description of how they would plan to use the money and email it to by April 30 with subject line: scholarship application.