Legals - June 6, 2024


SIDNEY MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY LEGAL NOTICE The 2022-2023 Financial Audit report of the Sidney Memorial Public Library and IRS Form 990 (return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax) are available for taxpayer inspection at the Sidney Memorial Public Library.      Monday through Thursday.........9 a.m. to 8 p.m.  Friday..............9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Saturday.....9 30 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Sunday............1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ONEONTA SIGNS AND GRAPHICS LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 12 18 2023 Delaware Co. SSNY design agent for process & shall mail to ZENBUSINESS INC. 41 STATE ST #112 ALBANY, NY 12207 General Purpose

TOWN OF COLCHESTER PUBLIC NOTICE Corbett Community Corporation         Water District Notice          P.W System #1200254 The Corbett Community Corporation Water District Annual Water Quality Report and Source Water Assessment Program Report for 2023 has been completed and is available for inspection.  A copy can be obtained by calling (607)363-7531. Blaine Stickle Water Plant Manager

DELAWARE COUNTY INVITATION FOR BIDS Town of Colchester Legal Notice Downsville Fire District  Request for Proposal The Downsville Fire District seeks the services of a contractor to strip a shingled roof, inspect and repair as needed the underlayment of the roof and to re-shingle the roof of the Cooks Falls fire statin in Cooks Falls NY. The proposal will need to have proof of self insurance included. For further information and or inspection of the roof you can contact Chris Jaindl, 607-363- 7902 or at  Leave a message if no answer To be considered, a sealed proposal must be submitted to the Downsville Fire District, PO Box 341, Downsville , NY 13755 by June 17, 2024 at 7 00 pm at which time they will be opened at the regular District monthly meeting. The District reserves the right to reject an or all bids that are not in the best interest of the District. ALLK PROPOSALS MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED PROPOSAL ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE ENVELOPE Lavonne Shields Secretary Downsville Fire District

VILLAGE OF SIDNEY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Balloons By Stacy LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 03 22 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to Stacy Tuttle 51 Union Street Sidney, NY 13838. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

TOWN OF WALTON NOTICE OF MEETING Walton, NY – May 2024 – In their effort to continue to provide fair and equitable assessments, the Town of Walton has engaged the services of KLW Municipal Inc. to partner with the Town Assessor, Penny Haddad, to complete a reassessment project of the Town of Walton. This reassessment project will be for the 2025 Tax Roll Year; the new assessments will not be used to calculate taxes until July 1, 2025. Over the next year, the Assessor and KLW will be reviewing the information about each parcel, reviewing market data, and developing new assessed values.   Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 1 00pm and at 6 00pm @ Walton Fire Department (59-61 West St., Walton, NY 13856)   Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 10 00am, @ Town Hall (129 North St., Walton, NY 13856)   All property owners that are interested in learning more about the project are encouraged to attend.

VILLAGE OF WALTON TAX COLLECTION TAKE NOTICE, I, the undersigned Collector of Taxes for the Village of Walton, NY, have received the tax roll for the year 2024-2025 and that I will attend at 21 North St. Walton in said Village for the purpose of receiving taxes from June 1, 2024 to and including July 1, 2024 from 9 00 a.m. to 4 00 p.m. except on Saturday and Sunday. For that period of time taxes may be paid without additional charges and that on all such remaining taxes unpaid after July 1, 2024, 5% will be added for the first month and an additional 1% on the first day of each month thereafter until paid. Jody L. Brown, Tax Collector

VILLAGE OF WALTON NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Ruth Haulenbeek St. John--Helena L. Cable Alumni Scholarship Fund, Inc. will be held at The Walton Co-Op’s Office at 44 West Street, Suite 6 on Thursday, June 6, 5 30 pm for the transaction of any business which may lawfully come before said meeting. Respectfully submitted, Selinda M. Taggart, Secretary

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Mari Bake LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 04 25 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to Maria Strelkovski 1435 County Highway 23, Walton NY 13856. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DELAWARE BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.,       -against- CHARLES BEEHNER A K A CHARLES F. BEEHNER, ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware on August 02, 2019, wherein BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the Plaintiff and CHARLES BEEHNER A K A CHARLES F. BEEHNER, ET AL. are the Defendant(s).  I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the DELAWARE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 3 COURT STREET, DELHI, NY 13753, on June 20, 2024 at 9 00AM, premises known as 1563 TOWER MOUNTAIN ROAD, STAMFORD, NY 12167; and the following tax map identification,  70-1-11. ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE TOWN OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF DELAWARE AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No. EF2018-445. Larisa Obolensky, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT CLERK DIRECTIVES.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF DELAWARE NEWREZ LLC D B A SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING, Plaintiff, Against ANWARUD-DEEN BROOKS, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly entered 11 01 2023, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction, Delaware County Courthouse, 3 Court Street, Delhi, NY 13753, on 6 18 2024 at 10 00AM , premises known as 3433 Roods Creek Road, Hancock, NY 13783, And Described As Follows ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Towns Of Deposit And Tompkins, Delaware County, State Of New York. Section 350. Block 1 Lot 6.3 And 350.-2-1.43. The approximate amount of the current Judgment lien is $169,750.73 plus interest and costs.  The Premises will be sold subject to provisions of the aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale; Index # EF2023-130 If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid.  The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagees attorney. Lee Hartjen, Esq., Referee. Leopold & Associates, PLLC, 80 Business Park Drive, Suite 110, Armonk, NY 10504 Dated 3 13 2024     File Number 11239138    CA

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ORLY REALTY LLC Art. Of Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY 5 1 2014. Off. Loc. Delaware Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY to mail copy of process to The LLC, 1150 W Platner Brook Road, Delhi, NY 13753, USA. Purpose Any lawful act or activity.

DELAWARE ACADEMY CSD AT DELHI LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ESTOPPEL  The bond resolution, a summary of which is published herewith, has been adopted on May 20, 2024 and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi, Delaware County, New York, is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.  Such resolution was adopted after approval of the proposition at the Special School District Meeting duly called held and conducted on April 16, 2024.  A complete copy of the resolution summarized herewith is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Office of the School District Clerk for a period of twenty days from the date of publication of this Notice.  Dated   Delhi, New York,  May 20, 2024.  s Lisa Kulaski  School District Clerk  BOND RESOLUTION DATED MAY 20, 2024.  A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO AND TO RECONSTRUCT PHYSICAL EDUCATION ATHLETIC FACILITIES AND FIELDS AT THE MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL, AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $3,100,000, IN AND FOR THE DELAWARE ACADEMY CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT AT DELHI, DELAWARE COUNTY, NEW YORK, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $3,100,000 BONDS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PAY THE COST THEREOF.  Class of objects or purposes    Improvements to and to reconstruct physical education athletic facilities and fields at the Middle High School  Period of probable usefulness 30 years  Maximum Estimated Cost      $3,100,000  Amount of obligations to be issued $3,100,000 serial bonds.  SEQRA Status Type I Action.  Negative Declaration.  SEQRA compliance materials on file in the office of the School District Clerk where they may be inspected during regular office hours.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE  SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF DELAWARE Chase Mortgage Holdings, Inc. s b m to JPMC Specialty Mortgage LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST Paul J. Brewer; Brenda Brewer; Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered May 9, 2024 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Delaware County Court House, 3 Court Street, Delhi,  NY 13753 on June 20, 2024 at 2 00PM, premises known as 3042 Little Red Kill Road, Fleischmanns, NY 12430.  All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Middletown, County of Delaware, State of NY, Section 264. Block 1 Lot 28.  Approximate amount of judgment $83,809.41 plus interest and costs.  Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index# EF2023-34. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Property established by the 6th Judicial District. Melinda A. Jahn, Esq., Referee  LOGS Legal Group LLP Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792  Dated May 16, 2024 80855

WALTON CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT INVITATION FOR BIDS NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Education of the Walton Central School District, Walton, NY hereby invites the submission of sealed bids for the lease of three (3) IC CE 65 Passenger School Buses for a term of five years. All bids must be on Walton Central School District Bus Lease Bid Forms and must conform to written instructions to bidders and lease specifications which are available from the Business Office. Bids must be received at the Business Office, 47-49 Stockton Avenue, Walton, NY 13856 by 2 00 P.M. on Friday June 21, 2024, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read. Specifications and Bid Forms will be available in the Business Office, 47-49 Stockton Avenue, Walton, NY 13856, 8 00 A.M. to 3 30 P.M., Monday through Friday. By the order of the Board of Education of the Walton Central School District  S. Corey Phraner,  District Clerk

TOWN OF MEREDITH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Meredith Town Board will hold a public hearing regarding a battery energy storage law on June 11th at 6 00PM at the East Meredith Fire Hall followed by the regular meeting at 7 00PM located at the East Meredith Fire Hall Dated May 15, 2024 Heather E. Victoria, Deputy Town Clerk, Town of Meredith

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Sunshine Counseling Services LCSW, PLLC. Filed 4 26 24. Cty Delaware. SSNY desig. for process & shall mail 2646 Swart Hollow Rd, Oneonta, NY 13820. Purp any lawful.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 15 MAPLE RIVER, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 05 22 24. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.  SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, c o     Grazia D'Arpa, 164-34 89th Street, Howard Beach, NY  11414.  Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DELAWARE NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D B A MR. COOPER ,          -against- JUANITA SMITH, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES A. SMITH, ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware on January 31, 2024, wherein NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D B A MR. COOPER  is the Plaintiff and JUANITA SMITH, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES A. SMITH,  ET AL. are the Defendant(s).  I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the DELAWARE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 3 COURT STREET, DELHI, NY 13753, on June 20, 2024 at 3 00PM, premises known as 1780 ROSES BROOK ROAD, STAMFORD, NY 13842; and the following tax map identification,  131-1-5. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE IN THE TOWN OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF DELAWARE AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No. EF2020-427. Melinda A. Jahn, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT CLERK DIRECTIVES.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Roxbury Mountain Cattle Co. LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 12 27 2023. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to David Holscher 781 Roxbury Mountain Road Hobart, NY 13788. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 51 WEST END LLC. Filed 3 11 24. Office Delaware Co. SSNY desig. as agent for process & shall mail to Urszula Wawrzyniak, 67-66 108th St, Forest Hills, NY 11375. Purpose General.

DELAWARE ACADEMY CSD AT DELHI NOTICE OF MEETING Board of Education Meeting  Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi will hold a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 4 00 pm at Delaware Academy CSD at Delhi, 2 Sheldon Drive, Delhi, New York.   Lisa A. Kulaski, District Clerk  Dated 6 3 2024

TOWN OF ANDES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF ANDES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Hearing MTC Franchise Renewal Legal Ad for Town of Andes NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For Heart of the Catskills Communications, Inc. d b a MTC Cable Franchise Renewal Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Andes will hold a public hearing in accordance with General Municipal Law of the State of New York on March 12th 2024 at 6PM  relative to the MTC Cable Franchise Renewal (15 Year Renewal Period) for public comment. A copy of the proposed agreement is available for review at the office of the Andes Town Clerk The hearing will be held at the Andes Town Hall located at 115 Delaware Ave, Andes, NY 13731 Carol Ames Andes Town Clerk

TOWN OF BOVINA NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of FERA LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 03 13 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to MEGAN O'NEILL 2216 East Bramley Mt Rd. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ORLY SKY REALTY LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 12 13 2023 Delaware Co. SSNY design agent for process & shall mail to ZENBUSINESS INC. 41 STATE ST #112 ALBANY, NY 12207 General Purpose

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Catskills Tennis & Pickleball LLC filed w SSNY 4 24 24. Off. in Delaware Co. Process served to SSNY - desig. as agt. of LLC & mailed to the LLC, PO Box 224, Highmount, NY 12441. Any lawful purpose.

WALTON FIRE DISTRICT INVITATION FOR BIDS WALTON FIRE DISTRICT SEEKING BIDS Parking Lot Paving as per Specifications Bid Specifications may be obtained by Calling Andrew Davis at (607) 865-6272 or by writing to him at the Walton Fire District, 61 West St., Walton, NY 13856.  The Fire District will receive bids until 7 p.m. on the  20th day of June, 2024, at which time they will be opened and publicly read. All bids must be accompanied by a non-collusion bid certificate and shall be plainly marked Bid for Parking Lot Paving on the outside of the envelope. The Walton Fire District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as is in the best interests of the District. Walton Fire District By Lenore A. Dutcher        Secretary Dated   May 29, 2024

TOWN OF ROXBURY FORECLOSURE NOTICE Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale of this court entered in the Delaware County Clerk's Office and directing the sale of the premises in this mortgage foreclosure action duly made and entered, Michael E.Trosset, Esq., the referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction in the Delaware County Courthouse, 3 Court St., Delhi, NY 13753, on the 20th day of June, 2024, at 10 00 a.m. in the forenoon of that day the premises described by said judgment to be sole therein described as follows               All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Roxbury, County of Delaware, State of New York, and being more accurately bounded and described as follows   PARCEL A - Beginning at a point marked by a 5 8 iron rod set with a cap marked RETTEW on the southerly bounds of New York State Route 23 at the northwest corner of lands now or formerly of Larry W. Moran as described in Liber 937 of Deeds at page 80.  Thence proceeding from said point of beginning and along lands of said Moran, South 14° 30' 43 West 362.84 feet to a found iron pipe. Thence along lands now or formerly of Herbert and Marion Van Aken as described in Liber 787 of Deeds at page 41, North 74° 06’ 08” West 404.46 feet to a 5 8” iron rod set marked RETTEW.  Thence along lands now or formerly of WT JH Realty Associates as described in Liber 755 of Deeds at page 1168 on the following three courses and distances 1. North 41° 18’ 41” East 256.03 feet partway along a stone wall, 2. North 36° 02’ 32” East 137.02 feet along a stone wall to a found iron rod, 3. North 43° 25’ 05” East 9.05 feet.  Thence along the above mentioned bounds of NYS Rte 23, South 72° 50’ 07” East 234.50 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 2.65 acres of land.  PARCEL B – Beginning at a point marked by a 5 8” iron rod with a cap marked RETTEW on the northerly bounds of New York State Route 23 at a southeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of William and Maureen Braunsdorf as described in Liber 621 of Deeds at page 429, thence along lands of said Braunsdorf on the following three courses and distances 1. North 26° 19’ 08” East 30.00 feet to a 5 8” iron rod set with a cap marked RETTEW, 2. South 73° 39’ 19” East 161.00 feet to a 5 8” iron rod set with a cap marked RETTEW, 3. South 15° 03’ 41” West 30.00 feet to a 5 8” iron rod set with a cap marked RETTEW.  Thence along the aforementioned bounds of NYS Rte 23, North 73° 30’ 08” West 166.87 feet to the point and place of beginning.  Containing 0.11 acres of land.  Also granting spring rights as described in Liber 744 of Deeds at page 13.  Subject to any covenants, easements, restrictions and agreements of record.  Subject to a twelve-foot wide right of way over an existing driveway located at the northeast corner of the above- described PARCEL A.  Said right of way being more particularly described as follows   Beginning at a point marked by a 5 8” iron rod set with a cap marked RETTEW on the southerly bounds of New York State Route 23 at the northwest corner of lands now or formerly of Larry W. Moran as described in Liber 937 of Deeds at page 80.  Thence proceeding from said point of beginning and along lands of said Moran, South 14° 30’ 43” West 69.63 feet.  Thence through lands of the grantor on the following two courses and distances 1. North 08° 17’ 13” West 30.97 feet, 2. North 14° 30’ 43” East 41.64 feet.  Thence along the aforementioned southerly bounds of NYS Rte 23, South 72° 50’ 07” East 12.01 feet to the point or place of beginning.  Reserving a right of way over PARCEL A to Herbert S. Van Aken as described in Liber 744 of Deeds at page 13.”

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BURN AYR FARM LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 05 23 24. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.  SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 21031   State Route 28, Delhi, NY  13753. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of CPL Environmental, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 04 25 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to CPL Environmental, LLC 6116 E. Handsome Brook Road, Franklin, NY 13775. Purpose Any lawful purpose.