Roxbury seeks input for updated comprehensive plan


ROXBURY - All Roxbury residents and property owners residing or owning property in Grand Gorge, Roxbury and Denver-Vega are invited to take the a survey to help guide the update of the town’s comprehensive plan. The plan will guide the direction, growth and municipal programs in the town for the next 10 years. The new plan will be a blueprint to guide economic and physical growth, land use, recreation, infrastructure, and community development. The existing comprehensive plan was originally adopted in 2013. As part of the process to update the plan, the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee has been doing extensive research into the needs and issues facing the town.

Numerous interviews and topic-oriented small group meetings took place over the past fall and winter. Now, more public input is needed to inform the plan and its direction. 

The survey is both online at and available in paper format. Everyone is encouraged to fill out the survey online, but paper copies are available at the town hall, Roxbury Library, or at the Grand Gorge Civic Center. The survey will remain open until June 20. This survey is a very important way for the town to hear what concerns and ideas Roxbury residents, property owners and businesses have. This will ensure that the updated Comprehensive Plan addresses the community’s needs. 

For more information contact Peg Ellsworth at