Lifesaving tips for tree stand safety


Every year hunters are seriously injured, paralyzed, or killed falling out of tree stands. Falls from tree stands have become a major cause of hunting related injuries and fatalities in New York. The proper use of tree stands, full-body harnesses, and safety lines will help to prevent these injuries and fatalities.

Hunting from a tree stand is a safe and enjoyable way to hunt as long as a few basic safety principles are followed:

• Inspect your tree stand before using it. Replace any worn or broken parts.

• Wear a full-body harness, buckle it securely, and use a safety line.

• The majority of falls happen while hunters are climbing up and into their stand, or climbing down, so connect to the tree before your feet leave the ground and stay connected until you get back down.

• Let someone know where your stand is located and when you plan to be home.

• Use a haul line to raise your unloaded gun, cocked crossbow, or bow with quiver up to the stand.

• Never tie the haul line to the trigger guard.

• Carry emergency equipment, such as a knife, cell phone, flashlight, and whistle in your pockets at all times (not in your pack hanging in the tree).