Tweed to face Tague in 102nd Assembly race in November

Democrat Primary Results


DELHI - Janet Tweed, a Delhi resident, outpaced Mary T. Finneran for the Democratic line in the June 25 primary. Tweed beat out Finneran by a 4-to-1 margin in Delaware County, 630-162, and district wide, captured 51.2% of the vote by a margin of 1,779-1,696.

Tweed said she is grateful for the support she received throughout the primary campaign. Although the unofficial election night results indicate she has a small lead, her campaign is cautiously optimistic, she said.

“However, we recognize the importance of ensuring that every vote is counted, including absentee and late mail-in ballots.”

Out of respect for all voters and the democratic process, the campaign awaits the counting of outstanding ballots to come in before declaring a winner in this race.

“I am looking forward to the general election, focusing on my main topics of better healthcare, building community, and working toward a more resilient environment. The district needs someone who will work for them and advocate for them. I think that I can fulfill that role,” Tweed said.

In Roxbury, Lisa M. Ciaravino captured the Democratic line for November’s council seat race, beating out Nathan S. Potter 82-31.

Results are unofficial.